Learn To Exercise Your Faith.

Faith is very important in the life a Christian, in fact it's importance cannot be overemphasized. That's why the Bible clearly states that "The just shall live by Faith" and "Without faith it's impossible to please God".(Hebrews 11 : 6).
Just like those athletic-guys spend quality time in the gym , exercising and building their muscles, that's the same way as a christian you need to build and exercise your faith.
The same way lack of physical exercise makes your physical muscle weak that's the same way lack of  faith-exercise makes your faith muscles weak.

To learn more about faith and how to exercise it kindly click here to get the book "How To Make Your Faith Work".
In this book, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome emphasizes on the importance of faith and how to make it work with scriptural references from the Bible. So grab your copy now kindly click here.

Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life? If not click here.